Chancellor of Maharishi Mahesh Yogi Vedic University, Brahmachari Girish Ji participated in the 21st Ayurveda festival held in Bhopal today. The program was presided over by Honorable Chief Minister of Madhya Pradesh Government, Dr. Mohan Yadav
Chancellor of Maharishi Mahesh Yogi Vedic University, Brahmachari Girish Ji participated in the 21st Ayurveda festival held in Bhopal today. The program was presided over by Honorable Chief Minister of Madhya Pradesh Government, Dr. Mohan Yadav
Chancellor of Maharishi Mahesh Yogi Vedic University, Brahmachari Girish Ji participated in the 21st Ayurveda festival held in Bhopal today. The program was presided over by Honorable Chief Minister of Madhya Pradesh Government, Dr. Mohan Yadav
Chancellor of Maharishi Mahesh Yogi Vedic University, Brahmachari Girish Ji participated in the 21st Ayurveda festival held in Bhopal today. The program was presided over by Honorable Chief Minister of Madhya Pradesh Government, Dr. Mohan Yadav
Chancellor of Maharishi Mahesh Yogi Vedic University, Brahmachari Girish Ji participated in the 21st Ayurveda festival held in Bhopal today. The program was presided over by Honorable Chief Minister of Madhya Pradesh Government, Dr. Mohan Yadav
Chancellor of Maharishi Mahesh Yogi Vedic University, Brahmachari Girish Ji participated in the 21st Ayurveda festival held in Bhopal today. The program was presided over by Honorable Chief Minister of Madhya Pradesh Government, Dr. Mohan Yadav